Light Up a Smile

Today marks the 19th year to the day - almost to the minute actually, as I write this, of the passing of our oldest son, Matt. He was 26 years old when he passed from this life on this earth to life with Jesus in heaven. Oh, he wasn't perfect but one of the things that always makes me smile is thinking about his smiles. Matt smiled a lot. I think he really enjoyed life. I think he really enjoyed his friends. I think he really enjoyed his family.
From conversations near the end I know he trusted in God. From notes I found in his Bible I know he was looking forward to being with Jesus.

His smile would light up a room. He could make you laugh when you didn't feel like laughing.

I think he really liked me as a dad - oh, I know he loved me - but I think he also really liked me as a dad.

I remember one morning driving through downtown Edmond, and as I was stopped at an intersection waiting for my turn to go I looked across the street and there he was in his old VW waiting for his turn to go. When he saw me he flashed a smile and a wave - he just made my day right then.

Be a person that smiles and causes those you're around to smile. It's contagious really.

You know what? I think Jesus smiled a lot. Everywhere He went people wanted to be around Him. People rarely want to be around a grump. I'm convinced - Jesus smiled a lot.

My prayer tonight is that I'll smile a lot - that I'll smile at people I don't even know. At the store, at the gym, at the gas pump, at church, in traffic, in a restaurant... I pray that God will help me smile anywhere and everywhere at everyone I meet.

...and she always faces tomorrow with a smile.  (Proverbs 31:25, The Message)

Light up a smile and just maybe you'll cause someone to have a great day.

The closer your relationship with God the more reason you'll have to put on a smile..... pray about it and pray about everything.

The journey in knowing God better is worth smiling about.

Enjoy your journey,

