Need a Prayer List?

Prayer lists are great tools. Making a list of people to pray for shows God that you truly care about the people on your list. Plus, a prayer list helps you remember who you have determined in your heart to pray for.
Anymore when someone asks me to pray for them or for someone special to them I write the names in the notes section of my iPhone right then. If I don't I'm afraid I'll forget by the time I get home and have access to my prayer list. A prayer journal is also a good idea, but we'll address that subject in a later blog update.
OK, so you decide a prayer list is a good idea to help keep your prayers focused and in order to not forget to pray for specific people and their specific needs - but now what? Maybe you've never put a prayer list together - that's OK, nothing to be ashamed of... This journey to a better relationship with God has to start somewhere.
If you attend church you can ask one of the church leaders about the church prayer list which will include church members that are going through trying  times for many different reasons, illness usually being the most common and pressing concern.
Many times individual Bible study (Sunday School) classes within the church will have their own prayer lists - another good place to start.
As a matter of fact, it's perfectly fine to pray for total strangers. Have you ever been in a hospital waiting room and looked around at the other folks waiting while their loved ones are in surgery?
Many times you will see people in distress in those waiting rooms, full of anxiety and fear. You can silently pray for them on the spot, right then, without them even knowing it.
Have you been in a cancer treatment room where people are receiving chemotherapy treatments? Believe me, everyone in there including the attending staff need prayers - look around at those folks and silently lift them up before God.

Praying from your list on a regular basis will grow your relationship with Jesus, who Himself prayed a lot.

Treasure your relationship journey with the Creator and Savior and be blessed while praying for others.

