The Prayer Slump

In baseball, pitchers get in a slump - its when they can't pitch a strike to save there neck. They walk batter after batter and when they do get one over the plate the batter hits it out of the park. The next thing you know that pitcher is out of the game and on the bench.
Batters get in slumps too. They couldn't hit a pitch if their life depended on it. Swing and miss, swing and miss, swing and miss - one at bat after another. The next thing you know that batter is out of the game and on the bench.

Our prayer lives can get in a slump too. Lots of stuff going on so we skip our normal prayer time. Not good, because after a few prayers are missed it becomes too easy to keep on missing and making excuses to ourselves.
If we continue missing those precious times of prayer the next thing you know our relationship with God is going in the wrong direction. We don't want to be bench sitters when it comes to our relationship with God.

Keeping our prayer life on "its best game" so to speak, keeps our relationship with God growing and prospering and it keeps us more concerned about others.

God wants to know whats on our mind and who/what we're concerned about. A very wise friend of mine reminded me one morning that, in his words, "Jesus wants you to be well more than you do."

When we go forward in prayer with positive, Godly thoughts Jesus will bless us more than we can imagine, I believe both physically and spiritually.

Baseball players in a slump let their team down when they aren't performing at their best - they have to constantly work at being better.

Sometimes I let God down by not being at my best. I have to constantly work at keeping my regular prayer appointments with The Father. Maybe you do too. I hope this helps.

Pray more and pray regularly.

Two passages today....

Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert in this with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints. (Ephesian 6:18 CSB)

...and My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. My eyes will now be open and My ears attentive to prayer from this place. (2nd Chronicles 7:14-15 CSB)

Our life with God is a journey - treasure every moment.


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